
Plumbing In Kalamazoo

Plumbing In Kalamazoo, MI

Servicing your plumbing in Kalamazoo for a clogged sewer, bathroom sink, toilet, bathtub, urinal, washer machine drain, grease trap, septic tank, bathroom sink, kitchen sink, floor drain, pop machine drain, utility sink & storm drain is what drain Monkeys is all about. We have serviced Kalamazoo for the past 24 years, we care for our customers as well as offer great service for your plumbing when it comes your clogged drains. We service all plumbing for residential & commercial drains.

We have been servicing plumbing in Kalamazoo since 1996 for all your clogged plumbing needs. We are available 24 hours a day seven days a week to unclog your plumbing. Call Drain Monkeys today & we will send you a plumber to service your plumbing today.

Cleaning your plumbing before it clogs up saves time & money, as soon as your plumbing starts to drain slow you should call Drain Monkeys for drain cleaning your plumbing.

Preventive maintenance on your plumbing for your sink traps that you should do. You should clean the trap of your sinks yearly.

This helps your plumbing from getting a build-up of grease & hair that causes your plumbing to to clog up.

Usually sink drains will have a P-trap that go through the wall & s-traps that will go down through the floor of the cabinet.

When you do a preventive maintenance on your plumbing it will reduce the chance of having a clogged drain.

Nobody wants clogged up plumbing so if you just take a few minutes & do some preventive maintenance it will pay off.

When you clean out the traps it is also good idea to inspect all the plumbing under the sink like your tailpiece that goes into the wall & the popup assembly.

you want to look for warn out plumbing like the gaskets & any moving parts to the popup assembly.

Usually you will just need to replace the gaskets on the trap this will help prevent any leaking that could cause water damage.

Once you have cleaned all the plumbing parts for the drain you are ready to put it back together & check for leaks.

When you have checked to make sure everything is tight then you should run hot water for about 15 minutes to help flush out anything that was clogging the pipe.

While the water is running you can use a paper towel & lay it down under the trap to check for leaks. You will see a wet ring on the paper towel if there is any leaks.

We carry plumbers snake to clean your plumbing from a 6 inch drain to a 3/4 plumbing pipes. Call drain Monkeys for your drain maintenance or clogged plumbing in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Drain Monkeys is very experienced in inspecting plumbing to see you need our drain cleaning service.

If we find that your plumbing has a clog upon inspection that is not problem because we have all the necessary drain cleaning equipment to unclog your plumbing.

Drain Monkeys is available for your plumbing issues when it comes to clogged drains for your plumbing. call day or night. (269) 366-8087

Drain Monkeys home page has more information on theirs services & locations.

Drain Monkeys Drain Cleaning
plumbing in kalamazoo darin monkeys logo for service
plumbing in kalamazoo cleaning a trap for maintenance

Drain snake for drain cleaning smaller plumbing pipes up to 2 inches.

plumbing in kalamazoo drain maintenance machine

Plumbers snake we use for cleaning clogged plumbing.

drain snake kalamazoo ridgid 750-k machine for snaking out sewer pipes